OUR TEAM > Yana Tiefbenkel

About Yana Tiefbenkel

To contact Yana Tiefbenkel: yana@tact4art.com | +972 539399802

After studying piano at Khabarovsk College of Art and graduating with an MSc in Literature Studies in Russia, Yana embarked on a career in administration management and soon rose to lead administration departments in large companies. In 2010 Yana decided to unite her passion for classical music with her managerial expertise transitioning to the Live Performance Industry. Since then she has collaborated in various professional capacities across the industry, working with artists, festivals, orchestras and production companies in Russia, Croatia, the Caucasus, the Baltic states and the USA among others, with a focus on artist management since 2014. Yana’s professional activities were awarded with a CEC ArtsLink Foundation grant and an invitation to collaborate with the Center for Contemporary Opera in New York in 2013. Moreover her project ‘Key to the Future’ earned the title of ‘The best music project of the 67th Dubrovnik Summer Festival’ in 2016. Yana’s commitment to professional growth and enriching her expertise in the industry led her to pursue an MBA in Creative Industries in Latvia and an MSc in Marketing Management in the UK.