Artist Profile

Marigona Qerkezi - Profile picture
© Shenoll Zehri


Marigona Qerkezi

"a dramatic voice, with perfect breath control, expressive phrasing, attentive to every word"
- Music Paper Magazine

Represented by

Marcin Kopec
+44 79 81 91 88 14

Ekaterina Belova


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Upcoming Past
Nov 2024


Katharina Müllner, Conductor
Ilaria Lanzino, Stage Director

Nov 2024


Vitali Alekseenok, Conductor
Ilaria Lanzino, Stage Director

Nov 2024


Giampaolo Bisanti, Conductor

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Oct 2024


Roberto Minczuk, Conductor
Christiane Jatahy, Stage Director

Oct 2024


Roberto Minczuk, Conductor
Christiane Jatahy, Stage Director

Sep 2024


Roberto Minczuk, Conductor
Christiane Jatahy, Stage Director

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Biography Highlights


Upcoming & Recent

Title roles in Norma with Oper Frankfurt and Pucciniana with Opéra Royal de Wallonie, Abigaille Nabucco with Deutsche Oper am Rhein and Teatro Municipal de Sao Paulo, Aida with the Polish National Opera, Lucrezia Contarini I due Foscari at Teatro Comunale di Modena, Gulnara Il Corsaro at Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova, Mimì La bohème at Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, Soprano Solo Beethoven's 9th Symphony at Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, Aida with Ópera A Coruña, the title role in Norma at Palm Beach Opera, appearances at Teatro Petruzzelli di Bari, the Royal Danish Opera, Teatro de la Maestranza, Ópera de Oviedo, and Croatian National Theatre.



Debut at the Opera Oviedo with Elvira Ernani, role debut as Anna Bolena at the Lithuanian National Opera, Lucrezia Contarini I due Foscari at the Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova, Mimì La Bohème at Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, Elvira Ernani and  Verdi’s Messa da Requiem at the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, Giovanna d'Arco at the St. Galler Festspiele, Il Trovatore at the Verdi Festival in Parma, Madama Cortese Il Viaggio a Reims Rossini Opera Festival and at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona; Elvira in a televised Ernani Teatro Lirico di Caligari; Mathilde Guillaume Tell at the Teatro Grande di Brescia, Teatro di Cremona, Teatro Sociale di Como;  Lucia di Lammermoor Fondazione Petruzzelli Bari; Donna Anna Don Giovanni at the New National Theatre in Tokyo



Marigona Qerkezi, Soprano
© Shenoll Zehri

Verdi - Ernani - Ernani! Ernani involami

Verdi - Ernani - Ernani! Ernani involami

Verdi Il Trovatore Tacea la notte placida

Verdi Il Trovatore Tacea la notte placida


Reviews & Press


Cagliari Fondazione Teatro Lirico - Puccini - La Boheme - Mimi

In the role of Mimì, Marigona Qerkezi confirms possession of a privileged instrument for a spinto lyric soprano (if not an authentic dramatic soprano), displaying a considerable volume, richness in harmonics, solid and ringing high notes. This Kosovar singer masters her instrument with intelligence, thanks to the ability to alternate, in the construction of the character, moments of lyricism typical of a young girl in love (as seen in the pianissimos of the first act aria) with almost heroic outbursts of a desperate woman: in this sense, the performance in the third act gave the entire audience, including the writer, genuine moments of moving emotion.

- Carlo Dore jr , Operaclick

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In the role of Mimì, soprano Marigona Qerkezi makes her debut in a Puccini role. She infuses her character with freshness, sensitivity, subtle mischief, and the sweetness of her gaze. Combining great technique with a melodious tone and enveloping power, her voice travels beautifully through the theater, reaching every small nook and every fiber of the heart. The pianissimos in the first act are captivating, as well as the consistently clear swell of sound that rises in a crescendo, filling the space with resonance, effortlessly surpassing the powerful orchestral wall and displaying extreme ease in executing even the most challenging musical passages.

- Loredana Atzei , I Teatri dell’est

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Tra la magia dell'immortale partitura si stagliano le voci del tenore Francesco Demuro e del soprano Marigona Qerkezy, grandi protagonisti del capolavoro di Puccini, La bohème. 
Al suo debutto in un ruolo pucciniano Marigona Qerkezi, incarna appieno la figura di Mimì, con la potenza della voce sicura, limpida e suadente. La loro esecuzione è stata salutata dai "bravo", "brava" e scroscianti applausi a scena aperta.


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Concert - Verdi - Requiem

Marigona Qerkezi unfolds the fullness and amplitude of her lyric soprano voice, projecting herself immediately and fully into the acoustic space with total freedom in the (imposing, exuberant,) flamboyant high range, the rest of the tessitura being no less rich and sonorous. She can move at will from the most concentrated nuances to the most impressive and vibrant dynamic climbs. All the more so as this mastery is constantly at the service of her attention to phrasing. Her vitality, moreover, is always mindful of the alliance with her partners, and she thus places herself naturally as a soloist galvanizing the chorus with intensity.

- Joël Heuillon , OLyrix Magazine

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The evening's soloists also offered us some fine moments. These included the Quim sum Miser trio, the Lacrymosa and the magnificent Libera me, perfectly interpreted by the Croatian soprano. More generally, Marigona Qerkezi and Erwin Schrott delivered a smooth performance, full of tension and roundness.

- Alex Quitin , Crescendo Magazine

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Qerkezi, enfin, aura attendu les derniers instants de la soirée pour éblouir, mais c’est aussi parce que Verdi  économise sa soprano pour qu’elle puisse tout donner dans un brûlant et bouleverdant Libera Me conclusif.

- Nicolas Blanmont , La libre Belgique

Verdi - I due Foscari - Lucrezia Contarini

A positive surprise - we were listening to her for the first time - came from soprano Marigona Qerkezi's Lucrezia Contarini, who tackled her own part, at times impervious, with technical mastery in the service of a voice important for its power and dazzling timbre, also marking herself for the elegance of the ‘mezze voci’ and the clear articulation of coloraturas, as in the aria "La clemenza? ... S'aggiunge lo scherno! ...," which revealed to us - like other pages entrusted to her - a passionate and combative Lucrezia. 

- Roberto Campanella , GB Opera.

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Verdi, G. - Aida - Aida

I wonder what Marigona Qerkezi would think when she finished her presentation aria, Ritorna vincitor!, and a loud applause rang out in a Palace of the Opera in A Coruna in recognition of her art. I guess pride in the job well done and excitement to see that the effort involved in debuting a role of the magnitude of Aida had paid off. The Croatian singer was far above the prospects of a debutante. She proved to be a soprano who has a beautiful timbre, a very elaborate technique, a powerful voice that jumped the orchestra without problems, that always excelled in the concertantes and that nuanced with an exquisite taste. A voice, in short, that admired the public and, of course, who signs these lines, who enjoyed a canonical Aida, of which they do not forget. She was brilliant in all her interventions(..) the whole act of the Nile, from the well-known O patria mia to the duets with Amonasro and Radamès, were splendidly performed. A great night for her and for all of us who were lucky enough to hear her. 

- Javier del Olivo , Platea Magazine

Theater St Gallen - Verdi - Giovanna d’Arco - Giovanna

incredible length of breath and astounding confidence in coloraturas

- Giulia Vannoni

Verdi, G. - Ernani - Elvira

[Qerkezi] is a soprano of incredible power, with a wide range in high register and capable of embellishing her singing with excellent coloratura. (..) She is a young soprano with a great future.

- Ramón Avello , El Comercio

Festival Verdi - Verdi - Il Trovatore - Leonora

Qerkezi has a plush soprano with a roundness from the top to the lower parts of the voice. The moment she entered the stage you knew this was a commanding presence and she didn’t disappoint

- Francisco Salazar , Operawire

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