Artist Profile

Yannick Debus - Profile picture
© Die Hoffotografen Berlin


Yannick Debus

Represented by

Alex Grigorev
+31 647 900 647

Veronika Arkhangel
+43 677 64039301

Ekaterina Yazykova


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Mar 2025


Harry Bicket , Conductor
Jetske Mijnssen , Stage Director

Mar 2025


Harry Bicket , Conductor
Jetske Mijnssen , Stage Director

Apr 2025


Jörg Endebrock, Conductor

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Mar 2025


Harry Bicket , Conductor
Jetske Mijnssen , Stage Director

Mar 2025


Harry Bicket , Conductor
Jetske Mijnssen , Stage Director

Mar 2025


Harry Bicket , Conductor
Jetske Mijnssen , Stage Director

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Biography Highlights



Solo Concert with Anima Eterna Brugge, productions of Carmina Burana with the NedPhO in Concertgebouw Amsterdam and with Tonhalle Zürich, Guglielmo in Così fan tutte, Dr. Falke in Die Fledermaus, the title part in Jakob Lenz, Lescaut in Manon Lescaut, Harlekin in Ariadne auf Naxos - all with Opernhaus Zürich.
Conte d'Almaviva Le nozze di Figaro, Graf Dominik Arabella, Lesbus (Lesbo) Agrippina, Lenz in Rihms' Jakob Lenz, Schaunard La bohème at the Opernhaus Zürich. The title role in Orpheus at the ​​Drottningholms Slottsteater, Das Lied von der Erde / Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen in Staatsoper Stuttgart, Janssens’ Le Rapport de Brodeck with the Flemish Opera, Guglielmo Così fan tutte with ​​Orchestre National de Lyon, Monteverdi’s L'Orfeo with Freiburger Barockorchester and René Jacobs at Berliner Philharmonie, Philharmonie de Paris and the Gran Teatre del Liceu.



Ercole in Bembo’s Ercole amante with Il Gusto Barocco, Brahms Requiem with the Bamberger Symphoniker at the Wolfegg Festival Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder in Heidelberg, Christus Matthäus Passion in Seoul, South Korea, Frankfurt, Paris, Montpellier, Wroclaw, Budapest, Zürich, Carmina Burana with Brussels Philharmonic, and in Stadtcasino Basel, Guglielmo in Così fan tutte with Orchestre National de Lyon, Jesus in the Johannes Passion at Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the title part in Kusser’s Adonis at the Stuttgart Barock Festival with Jörg Halubek (CD recording), Handel’s Alexander’s feast with Barucco & Choir Ad Libitum at Brucknerhaus Linz,  the title part in Monteverdi’s Orfeo with Freiburger Barockorchester in the Philharmonie de Paris, Barcelona, Konzerthaus Berlin, Freiburg, both roles Raphael and Adam in Haydn’s Die Schöpfung at Konzerthaus Berlin, Rodomonte in Haydn's Orlando Paladino and Bass solo in Messiah, Bach’s Magnificat, and Cantata 147 with Kammerorchester Basel, Masquerama Concert with Oslo Barokkanerne ensemble, Jupiter in Platée, Apollo in Apollo e Dafne with the Freiburger Barockorchester, Händel's Israel in Egypt at  ‎Philharmonie de Paris, Konzerthaus Freiburg and Berliner Philharmonie with René Jacobs, Graf Dominik in Arabella at Opernhaus Zürich; the Poet in Cimarosa’s L'impresario in angustie in Lübeck, Kaiser in Der Kaiser von Atlantis, Figaro in Milhaud's La mère coupable - at Theater Basel, Emireno in Händel's Ottone, Re di Germania at Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, Sprecher, Zweiter Priester in Die Zauberflöte, the title part in Jakob Lenz - at Opernhaus Zürich.



Yannick Debus, Baritone

Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen


Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen


Tu sei il cor...


Tu sei il cor...


Hochrhein Musikfestival || Händel: Cantata Apollo e Dafne

Hochrhein Musikfestival || Händel: Cantata Apollo e Dafne

Rihm's Jakob Lenz - trailer

Rihm's Jakob Lenz - trailer


Reviews & Press


Mahler - Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen

...stilsicheren Gesang des Baritons Yannick Debus.

- ANNETTE BOPP , tanznetz

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Den vokalen Part steuerte Yannick Debus dunkel sonorer, legatofähiger und dynamisch eingesetzter Bariton bei und bot damit genauso viel Hörfreude wie es die Tänzer visuell vollbrachten.

Online Merker

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Yannick Debus ist der voluminöse Bariton, der die jähen Stimmungskontraste mit häufigem Taktwechsel in fesselnder Weise einfängt.

- ALEXANDER WALTHER , theaterkompass

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Mozart - Così fan tutte - Guglielmo

Leurs fiancés Guglielmo et Ferrando sont d’abord un régal de complicité, les voix s’accordant à merveille dès les trios initiaux : richesse des harmoniques, timbres superbes ! Le baryton Yannick Debus enchante aussi par ses dons de comédien, dans un « Non siate ritrosi » anthologique, colorant chaque mot avec intelligence. S’il n’est pas évident que l’air alternatif « Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo » – plus exigeant techniquement – lui convienne aussi bien, il déploie un phrasé souverain dans le duo « Il core vi dono ». Déjà, sa stature sonore dévoile la fibre d’un Don Giovanni versant juvénile. Rouspéteur à souhait mais toujours distingué de ligne, il fait chavirer la salle dans un « Donne mie la fate a tanti » truculent en diable.

- Patrick Favre-Tissot-Bonvoisin , Résonances Lyriques

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Orff- Carmina Burana

Waren er dan helemaal geen lichtpuntjes? Ja, gelukkig zong de Duitse bariton Yannick Debus zijn hondsmoeilijke partij fenomenaal: zoveel kleuren, zoveel klankschoonheid… wat een verademing!

- De Nieuwe Muze

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Bembo L’Ercole amante

A tout seigneur, tout honneur : Yannick Debus campe un Ercole plein d’autorité. Verticalité, beau métal de la projection sont mis en valeur par le gras du timbre. Son ultime aria, celle de sa mort, est particulièrement réussie

- Tania Bracq , Forum Opera

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Rihm - Jakob Lenz - Lenz

Yannick Debus, as Jakob Lenz, rises to the challenge of this difficult material. Debus was fantastic in the title role, his standing ovation well-earned. He brought deftness and complexity to both the spoken and sung parts of the role, whether clambering up and down towers of boxes or curled up in the foetal position, whether delivering the text in a broken whisper or hitting the high notes with aplomb. More importantly, perhaps, he makes you care about Lenz, unable to dismiss him as a madman as his contemporaries do. (There is a genuinely chilling moment in the final scene when the ghosts are screaming and no one but Lenz can hear them.) In the end, this remains the power of Jakob Lenz: to destabilise, to tug at the heartstrings, to leave you haunted. 

- Elodie Olson-Coons , Bachtrack

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Johannes Brahms: Lieder & Duette - CD

Yannick Debus beeindruckt mit hervorragender Diktion und einem kraftvollen, sonoren Bariton. 

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Innsbrucker Festwochen - Ottone - Emireno

Alone among the singers, Yannick Debus, essaying the role of Emireno, delievered the most consistent performance of the evening. He has a strong stage presence and is a good actor.

- Alan Neilson , Opera Wire

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Yannick Debus interprète avec une vigueur peu commune et un jeu très physique le bouillant corsaire Emireno

Opera World

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Yannick Debus [...] interpretiert mit markantem Bariton die Partie des Emireno.

- Thomas Molke , Online Musik Magazin

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