Artist Profile

Thomas Faulkner - Profile picture
© Wolfgang Runkel


Thomas Faulkner

"Faulkner’s opulent, cavernous bass heralds a true successor to the likes of John Tomlinson and Richard van Allan in the role (...) an ample showcase for his musical and dramatic skills: Wagner's bass villains surely beckon." - Bachtrack

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Marcin Kopec
+44 79 81 91 88 14

Anna Kovtun


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Wayne Marshall, Conductor
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Wayne Marshall, Conductor
Christof Loy, Stage Director

May 2025


Wayne Marshall, Conductor
Christof Loy, Stage Director

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Alden Gatt/Lukas Rommelspacher, Conductor
Ute M Engelhardt, Stage Director

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Alden Gatt/Lukas Rommelspacher, Conductor
Ute M Engelhardt, Stage Director

Mar 2025


Alden Gatt/Lukas Rommelspacher, Conductor
Ute M Engelhardt, Stage Director

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Biography Highlights



Return to Lyon Opera with the role of Doctor Wozzek followed by Swallow Peter Grimes and to Basel Theatre as Fasolt Das Rheingold in addition to his work as an ensemble member at Oper Frankfurt, where his roles this season include Osmin Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Bartolo Nozze di Figaro.



Debut as Masetto Don Giovanni at the Royal Opera House, debuts as Julio The Exterminating Angel with Opéra National de Paris, as Swallow Peter Grimes with Opéra de Lyon, at Theater Basel as Fasolt Das Rheingold, Osmin Die Entführung aus dem Serail at the Staatsoper Hamburg, Fritz Kothner Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg, Gremin Eugene Onegin, Der Pfarrer Das schlaue Füchslein and Elviro Xerxes at Oper Frankfurt, Swallow Peter Grimes at Theater an der Wien, Theseus A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Osmin Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Elviro Xerxes at Oper Frankfurt, Melisso Alcina at Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Fasolt Das Rheingold at Tiroler Festspiele Erl, John Claggart Billy Budd, return to the Royal Opera House as Tutor Elektra*, Vodnik Rusalka at Tiroler Festspiele Erl, Zuniga Carmen at Oper Köln, Lord Gualtiero I Puritani at Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Masetto  Don Giovanni at Théâtre du Châtelet. [*- cancelled]



Thomas Faulkner - Picture nr #8
© Wolfgang Runkel


Me in felice... Del mio Caro Bacco


Me in felice... Del mio Caro Bacco


Reviews & Press


Tiroler Festspiele Erl - Dvorak - Rusalka - Vodník

Dafür waren die Stimmen außergewöhnlich, allen voran die von Bass Thomas Faulkner als Wassermann

- Peter Jungblut , BR Kultur

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È davvero formidabile il giovane basso baritono Thomas Faulkner nel ruolo dello Spirito delle Acque, in possesso di una voce morbida, ben proiettata e raffinata; disegna una figura immensa, un saggio dal cuore nobile addolorato dall’azzardata scelta della figliola, molto più umano degli umani. Più di un cantante, Faulkner sembra un intellettuale a cui la natura ha fatto un dono della voce e colpisce soprattutto per la profondità dell’interpretazione.

- Irina Sorokina , L'ape musicale

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Thomas Faulkner hat ein kräftiges Organ. Sein Bass füllt das Festspielhaus mystisch und dramatisch, mitunter schmettert er hölzern seine Rufe nach der verlorenen Rusalka.

Opera Online

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Oper Frankfurt - Rossini - Otello - Elmiro

Thomas Faulkner, playing the role of the rich industrialist, Elmiro, cut an imposing figure, both physically and vocally. His large frame and strong bass allowed him to command the stage, perfectly reflecting his lofty status. Although he has a big voice it is also very flexible, which enabled him to produce a nuanced performance that captured his happiness, anger, rage, and frustrations.

- Alan Neilson , Opera Wire

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Die andere Vaterfigur, Elmiro, wird von Thomas Faulkner mit sauber geführtem, wohlklingendem  Bass gesungen. Zwar ein Unsympath, wie er seine Tochter Desdemona behandelt und Emilia bevorzugt, doch mit balsamischer Stimme ausgestattet.

- Kaspar Sannemann , Oper Aktuell

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Thomas Faulkner stattet Desdemonas Vater Elmiro mit einem profunden Bass aus.

- Thomas Molke , Online Musik Magazin

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Garsington Opera - Mozart - Don Giovanni - Masetto

 Thomas Faulkner’s is an effectively menacing Masetto.

Seen and Heard

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Thomas Faulkner’s sturdy, very finely sung Masetto

Music OMH

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Thomas Faulkner sang strongly as Masetto, his fluency and appealing tone complementing Masetto’s naivety and vulnerability.

Opera Today

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Frankfurt Opera - Bellini - I Puritani - Lord Gualtiero Valton

Lord Gualtiero Walton è Thomas Faulkner, buon basso qui impegnato soprattutto negli assiemi, che sostiene con una voce ampia e corposa

Opera Click

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Oper Frankfurt - Handel - Xerxes - Elviro

La voce di basso risulta ben accentata e il personaggio un vero mattatore della scena sfruttando le molte libertà lasciate in partitura da Händel.

Opera Click

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Oper Frankfurt - Handel - Xerxes - Elviro

Thomas Faulkner was a convincing Elviro

- José M. Irurzun , Seen and Heard International

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Oper Frankfurt - Handel - Xerxes - Elviro

Thomas Faulkner fue un Elviro correcto y un tanto basto

- José M. Irurzun , Opera World

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Oper Frankfurt - Smetana - Dalibor - Beneš

Bass Thomas Faulkner’s voice, burnished with blooming upper and lower ranges, lends the duped guard Beneš heartfelt warmth and sympathetic loneliness.

- Jeremy Hirsch , Shmopera

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Oper Frankfurt - Smetana - Dalibor - Beneš

Thomas Faulkner’s resonant bass successfully projected the lower notes in gaoler Beneš’ outbursts and he offered a sensitive portrayal of a servile inadequate, bemused by the contradictions of events around him.

- Anthony Ogus

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Oper Frankfurt - Smetana - Dalibor - Beneš

Thomas Faulkner bezeugt viel Empathie für die Häftlinge, mit ausdrucksfähigem Bass.

Offenbacher Post

Oper Frankfurt - Smetana - Dalibor - Beneš

Thomas Faulkner, jovial tönend und bonhommig wie der „Vater“ Rocco mit ausgestopftem Kissenbauch.

- Manuel Brug , Brigs Klassiker

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Oper Frankfurt - Smetana - Dalibor - Beneš

…herrlich vertrottelt Thomas Faulkner den Gefängniswärter….

Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Heidelberg

Oper Frankfurt - Smetana - Dalibor - Beneš

Man könnte nun noch die großen Bemühungen von Dirigent Stefan Soltesz loben oder den überzeugenden Auftritt von Thomas Faulkner in der Rolle des Kerkermeister Beneš…

- Ronja Merkel , Journal Frankfurt

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Oper Frankfurt - Smetana - Dalibor - Beneš

Einen fabelhaften Eindruck hinterläßt Thomas Faulkner als Gefängniswärter Beneš. Sein runder Baß hat seit der Übernahme vom Opernstudio ins Ensemble an Fülle und Sonorität gewonnen.

- Michael Demel , Der Opernfreund

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Oper Frankfurt - Smetana - Dalibor - Beneš

Den Benes gibt mit weichem voluminösen dabei  aber stark konturiertem Baß Thomas Faulkner.

- Friedeon Rosén , Online Merker

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