Artist Profile

Johannes Weisser - Profile picture
© Fredrik Arff


Johannes Weisser

"Johannes Weiss­er is in him­self a musi­cal high­light. His dis­tinc­tive, pow­er­ful bari­tone res­onates in the audi­to­ri­um and adds a spe­cial weight to the musi­cal expres­sion.” Hilde Halvorsrød, Scenekunst

Represented by

Oliver Kretschmer
+49 170 22 30 823

Julia Sinyagur


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Upcoming Past
Oct 2024


Will Humburg, Conductor
Evelyn Herlitzius, Stage Director

Oct 2024


Will Humburg, Conductor
Evelyn Herlitzius, Stage Director

Nov 2024


Will Humburg, Conductor
Evelyn Herlitzius, Stage Director

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Biography Highlights



Giorgio Germont in Verdi’s La traviata with the Norwegian National Opera; returns with Messiah to Brussels and Stavanger, also at the Wiener Konzertverein; Beethoven's Missa solemnis in Aix-en-Provence during the Easter Festival, St. John's Passion in the Concertgebouw with Trever Pinnock; Dr. Falke in a new production of Johann Stauss’ Die Fledermaus at Bergen Opera.



Dillon Mazzoli’s The Listeners with Norwegian National Opera, Der Einäugige Die Frau Ohne Schatten at Festspielhaus Baden-Baden with Berliner Philharmoniker, Mauregato Alfonso and Estrella and Siegfried Genoveva with Helsinki Baroque Orchestra, Bruckner’s Te Deum, Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor with Belgian National Orchestra, the latter also at Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Gianni Schicchi with Norwegian National Opera, Fariseo Maddalena ai piedi di Cristo with Freiburger Barockorchester, Brahms’ Vier ernste Gesänge with Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, Beethoven’s 9th Symphony with Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo, Bach’s Christmas Oratorio with Copenhagen Philharmonic, Handel’s Messiah with Wrocław Philharmonic.



Johannes Weisser - Picture nr #13
© Fredrik Arff


Johannes in Mozart Requiem KV 626

Mozart Requiem KV 626

RIAS Kammerchor, Freiburger Barockorchester, Rene Jacobs

Johannes in Handel Giulio Cesare in Egitto

Handel Giulio Cesare in Egitto

Alan Curtis Il Complesso Barocco Orchestra

Johannes in Haydn Die Schöpfung

Haydn Die Schöpfung

Freiburger Barockorchester/ Rene Jacobs

Johannes in Bach Johannes-Passion BWV 245

Bach Johannes-Passion BWV 245

RIAS Kammerchor, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Rene Jacobs


Reviews & Press


Handel - Messiah

Véloce et expressif, le baryton Johannes Weisser détonne parmi la distribution. Prêt à en découdre, remonté de véhémence, le chanteur apporte un souffle d’énergie radical en première ligne des solistes. En dialogue avec ses acolytes, il réussit à dessiner sa ligne vocale avec de belles vibrations sombres, appuyées et variantes, dans un charisme remarqué.

- Soline Heurtebise ,

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Drottningholm Theatre - Händel - Ariodante - Rè di Scozia

Johannes Weisser propose une interprétation vocale du Roi, dont la pulsion dramatique dans les récitatifs et les outrages latents (mais habilement intégrés) dans ses coloratures exigeantes s'unissent avec un ton doux et sincère que le baryton norvégien maîtrise sur toute la tessiture.

- Andreas Wahlberg ,

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Oslo - Mozart - Don Giovanni

Weiss­er was a tremen­dous Gio­van­ni, com­mand­ing the stage through­out, both vocal­ly and dra­mat­i­cal­ly.  There’s a youth­ful­ness to the tone that I find absolute­ly engag­ing and ide­al for the part. He brought out a hand­some seduc­tive­ness in the ser­e­nade (...) with an impec­ca­ble lega­to and orna­men­ta­tion that enhanced the line.  The cham­pagne aria was dis­patched with extro­vert ease with­out com­pro­mis­ing on the beau­ty of the tone. So much of Giovanni’s char­ac­ter is cre­at­ed in the recita­tives and here Weiss­er real­ly used the text ful­ly to illus­trate the char­ac­ter, there­by giv­ing him the impact to car­ry the show.

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Trondheim Opera - Verdi - La traviata - Giorgio Germont

Johannes Weisser is in itself a musical highlight. ... His distinctive powerful baritone hovers in the stage room and adds a special weight to the musical expression.

- Hilde Halvorsrød ,

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